Tuesday, May 12, 2020Font Size 字體: XS / S / M / L / XL

Curiosity out of Antique

Coming across this video, I'm really intrigued by this curator, Dr. Irving Finkel. He is definitely a poker-faced comedian. He also reminds me of my experiences when taking young friends to Exploratorium at San Francisco. Some youth didn't feel quite attracted and some totally indulged in all facilities. For me, there are million of stories, science and knowledge behind those seemingly big toys. Why can't some youths feel the fun out of them while also complaining how boring of their textbooks? I might actually know the answer. Video games nowadays are like drugs dominating their sensations.

無意間被這位館長 Irving Finkel 博士的影片所吸引,他絕對是個冷面笑匠。不過他也讓我想起帶年輕朋友去舊金山探索博物館的記憶,有些孩子非常盡興,有些則意興闌珊。對我來說,那些看似玩具的背後有數不盡的故事與科學知識,為何年輕朋友抱怨教科書無聊,卻也不能被這些器材激發興趣?我猜,或許是電動已經把他們的感官給麻痺了。